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No packing, posting etc. Secret 2: Have a professional auction listing A professional eBay auction site is like your business card. If you are serious selling on eBay you should show your potential customers that you are a professional seller and that you are selling high quality products. Please, dont just upload a photo and type the text in the description box. Do your homework and learn some HTML. Look around there are many professional tutorials and ebooks around helping you in that matter. Its definitely worth it. And youll be surprised, because if your auction listing looks nice and professional potential buyers stay longer on your site and usually its more likely that they place a bid. Secret 3: The money is in the follow up Yes, Ive heard this before, you may say. But, this is a very important aspect of your successful eBay career: Follow up with your customers. Send them an email 10 days after they have purchased the product and ask them how they are going with the product and if everything is all right.
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I believe this one could be a flat backed instrument, perhaps an early chitarra Italian for gitarra gittern type lute instruments. below; vihuela guitar with bent back lute style peg head, Apollo, Franchinus Gaffurius, Practica Musicae, Milan, 1496. Below; Vihuela de mano, Valencia Spain, c. 1500. I believe this instrument had a single cut. Below; Vihuela de mano, Sardinian school, c. 1500, smooth curved indented waist and perhaps single stung as well, see the blow up following. Above I said that most vihuelas and guitars of the mid 1400s are thought to have had only four courses of strings and were tuned either in all 4ths, or as 4th 3rd 4th lute kernel. Some five coursers were appearing as well. Five course bowl back lutes had already been around for quite a while and perhaps even six and most definitely they were in Spain being Moorish influenced since 8th century. Take a look at the instruments seen in the circa 1250 AD Cantigas illuminations alone.
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Esta purity test does not check foreign impurities such as pesticides and weeds, or checks for all compounds to be present. If specific compounds that was looking for the test are all created synthetically, still becomes the aceite. Aqu is the kicker if you pass an oil and is allowed to be classified as a therapeutic level, can also be identified as 100% pure, even if it is contained are totally synthetic or harmful. MS test looks for key things that gas chromatograph test cannot find. 1 Looks for any foreign impurities. 2 Tests for the exact quantities of compounds, all of them must be present in order to pass. If 1 of hundreds of compounds that lacks this pasa. 3 all compounds must be pure. What are the problems with this test?There is no regulation on how often you should perform this test. Most companies does MS test often, some go years between tests. Some companies perform this test at home, a cause for concern since this leaves room for a conflict of intereses.