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Jargon is the enemy of clear communication. Substitute synonyms for credibility killing buzzwords:It doesn't mean you can't reasonably use those first words on occasion. But it's a good idea to go for other, less trendy terms first if you want to be taken seriously by more folks. This is the author's point, which is a good one. But the lapse right afterward shows how easy it is to default to lingo. Resist!Jargon is the enemy of clear communication. Substitute synonyms for credibility killing buzzwords:It doesn't mean you can't reasonably use those first words on occasion. But it's a good idea to go for other, less trendy terms first if you want to be taken seriously by more folks. This is the author's point, which is a good one. But the lapse right afterward shows how easy it is to default to lingo. Resist!Thanks for the comment citizen.

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The importance of maintaining a more relaxed body and mind can help a cancer patient cope better with the disease. Most doctors do not oppose the use of massage and acupuncture as long as it does not interfere with a patient's regular treatment regimen. The debate on the effectiveness of complementary treatments, alternative therapies and natural cures for prostate cancer is still ongoing. For patients, the best thing to do is to discuss with their doctors the advantages and disadvantages of adding these methods to their regular treatment programs. The best way to cure anxiety and panic is to understand the anxiety condition. It is normal for people to experience feelings of anxiety and panic from to time. It makes us cope from very stressful situations, however, when anxiety becomes too much and turns into irrational fear of everyday circumstances, it becomes a debilitating anxiety disorder. Unlike short lived, mild anxiety caused by a stressful event, anxiety disorder lasts at least 6 months and may worsen if not properly and immediately treated. The best way to cure panic and anxiety feelings is to understand the anxiety condition. Anxiety is a troubled state of mind. Anxiety results from fearful thinking of future events or situations.
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Due to limited class size, payment for the SBDI and CE Courses must be received three weeks prior to the course start date or your registration will be cancelled. Cancellation three or more weeks prior to class start date will receive a full refund. Cancellation less than three weeks prior to class start date will receive a credit toward a future course and must be used in the current school year or be forfeited. If a participant attends a partial course, withdraws from a class after the course begins, or is a no show, no refund or credit will be given. If you need to give an external examiner access to your Blackboard course, there is a custom role which you can use to grant access to course materials, and to student work submitted to Blackboard and/or Turnitin. An External Examiner can view an unavailable content item, but cannot open a file which is attached to an unavailable item. This can cause problems on some courses. These can be overcome by granting specific read permissions to the external examiner please log a ticket for advice on this or by changing their role to Teaching Assistant. N. B. It is not possible to grant read only access to the Blackboard Grade Centre if a user can access the Grade Centre then they automatically also have editing rights.
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Currently, the Elite Tower, set to exceed the Moshe Aviv Tower in height, is currently being built of the historic Elite Candy factory. As a tribute to the history of the site, the lower floors of the tower will house a chocolate museum. The tower is set to contain luxury apartments, with an average price tag of $1 million each. At the end of 2006, Ramat Gan had three hotels, with a total of 408 rooms with 150,000 person nights over the year representing 64% room occupancy. Ramat Gan is home to Israel's second largest university, Bar Ilan University, with 24,000 students. The city is also the location of the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Ramat Gan College, the College of Law and Business, Beit Zvi acting college. Ramat Gan has 112 synagogues, two yeshivot, and a Kabbalah Center. Ramat Gan also has a Buddhist temple, and a Scientology center. The Sheba Medical Center located in southeastern Ramat Gan and Tel HaShomer, is Israel's largest hospital. It includes the Safra Children's Hospital and Padeh Geriatric Rehabilitation Center. The city has 32 medical centers run by health authorities and 10 child care clinics operated by the municipality.